Electronic Medical Records & Practice Management Modules

Whether you're flying solo or a bustling multi-disciplinary, multi-practitioner office, manage your integrative medicine, wellness and medispa (aesthetics) practice in our powerful end-to-end platform

Modality & Speciality-Specific Customizations

Direct Primary and Urgent Care

Engage with your patients virtually through OptiMantra's secure videochat capabilities, built directly into the program and at no additional cost.

Capture patient progress with our customizable intake questionnaires and clickable chart notes.

Use OptiMantra's robust and integrated lab network to administer bloodwork and other tests and to track your patients' indicators over time with our easy-to-use analytics.

Prescribe supplements and controlled substances with OptiMantra's e-Prescribing module.

Easily share pre- and post- treatment instructions through your library of hand-outs and through OptiMantra's HIPAA/PHIPA-compliant and intuitive patient portal.

Functional Medicine & Naturopathy

Offer functional medicine, naturopathic, homeopathic and other holistic treatments including clinical and laboratory diagnostic testing, nutrition, naturopathic physical medicine (including manipulative therapy), minor surgery, homeopathy, prescription medication, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, and more.

Leverage our pre-built library of forms including MSQ and Symptom Survey and utilize our charting templates or customize your own - our templates include wheel of balance, review of systems, homeopathy intake, lifestyle and environmental questionnaire, IV therapy, prolotherapy service templates and supplement and nutritional protocols.

With labs and diagnostic data, complete side-by-side comparisons and view trends over time to determine how your patients are doing and easily share results with them in the patient portal.

Search and add supplements and medications directly to your charts from our 100,000+ item database.

Screenshot of the functional medicine features

Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Track your acupuncture and TCM treatments including acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, electroacupuncture, moxibustion, tongue and pulse diagnosis, and herbal, tincture and formula recommendations.

Use our pre-built charting templates or customize your own - our templates includes: TCM diagnosis, TCM meridians and points, tongue and pulse diagnosis, protocols and service templates.

Benefit from our tailored library of images for annotation; or, import your own and take notes on it directly.

Create your own custom formulations or search and add supplements and medications directly to your charts from our 100,000+ item database.

Chart on the go and navigate multiple rooms with our tablet- and mobility- friendly interface

Search and add supplements and medications directly to your charts from our 100,000+ item database.

Screenshot of the acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine beaches

Mental Health

Utilize our built-in standard psych and mental health questionnaires - like GAD-7, PHQ, AIMS, ASRS, and HAM-A - or customize your own.

Benefit from our email and text reminders and HIPAA/PHIPA-compliant patient portal to quickly and securely engage with your patients.

Use e-prescribing functionality to prescribe (including controlled substances) directly through the platform.

Take advantage of our holistic platform to provide integrative behavioral health services to your patients.

Chiropractic, Osteopathy & Massage Therapy

Offer and track chiropractic, osteophatic and massage therapy services including chiropractic adjustments, spinal adjustment and manipulation, decompression, ultra-sound, traction, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), massage.

Use our pre-built charting templates or customize your own - our templates include pain, posture, range of motion, and accident/incident templates.

Benefit from our tailored library of images for annotation; or import your own and take notes on it directly.

Search and add supplements and medications directly to your charts from our 100,000+ item database.

Chart on the go and navigate multiple rooms with our tablet- and mobility- friendly interface.

Screenshot of the chiropractic osteopathy and massage therapy features

IV Hydrations

Offer IV hydration therapy to your patients with OptiMantra's comprehensive IV module.

Drive and track recurring business with easy-to-deploy packages.

Screenshot of the IV hydration features


Provide injections through OptiMantra's custom formulations module or with the SOAP templates and develop your own injection templates to track what you administer.

Easily share pre- and post- treatment instructions through re-usable hand-outs and through the HIPAA/PHIPA-compliant and intuitive patient portal.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Offer hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for men and women with everything you need to test, administer and track your patients' health.

Use OptiMantra's robust and integrated lab network to administer bloodwork and other tests and track your patients' hormone levels and other blood indicators over time with our easy-to-use analytics.

Leverage e-prescribing with controlled substances (EPCS) to prescribe directly through the platform.

Easily share pre- and post- treatment instructions through re-usable hand-outs and through the HIPAA/PHIPA-compliant and intuitive patient portalDrive and track recurring business with easy-to-deploy packages.

Screenshot of the hormone replacement therapy features


Use annotable images to record injections and quantity, and capture before and after (pre- and post-treatment) photos in the platform to show your treatment impact

Follow-up and re-engage your patients regularly through reminders (and birthday emails!) in the program with easy-to-deploy email and text message templates

Screenshot of the aesthetics features

Health Records & EMR

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Customized Charting

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Templates & Questionnaire

Busy practitioners need to not only minimize the time spent on repetitive tasks, but also efficiently gather information to support their personalized framework of diagnosis and treatment.

OptiMantra provides a library of templates (clickable and copy-paste style) and questionnaires out-of-the-box or practitioners can create their own as needed.

SOAP Templates: You can easily create templates, and the existing library covers all four SOAP sections --- Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan -- for different modalities.

Custom Questionnaires: You can extend your intake forms with questionnaires supporting specific scenarios -- either directly from the  library or by creating our own. Have patients fill them out prior to their visits, via an emailed link or the patient portal, to improve your visit effectiveness.
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While many practitioners operate largely in person, patients expect - especially for certain types of treatment - to have the ability to speak with their provider through virtual means as well. This is critical during a public health crisis, like the COVID pandemic, but also to expand a practice's reach to engage patients that may be less mobile or more geographically distant.

OptiMantra provides secure HIPAA- and PHIPA-compliant telehealth capabilities to easily connect practitioners and patients.

Video-chat: You can use OptiMantra's secure videochat service, built directly into the program, to set up a video conference conversation with your patients at no additional cost. Patients receive a secure email link and you can start the video conversation when you're ready.
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(Labs, Imaging)

Ordering diagnostic tests, including lab tests (blood work, allergy, chemistry) and imaging (x-ray, MRI), are an integral part of most integrative practices' workflow.

OptiMantra has connectivity with leading labs to provide online connectivity for both orders and results, and is continuously working to expand its network of providers.

You can order laboratory tests from leading labs through OptiMantra, and receive your patients' electronic results directly back into the program so they are easily integrated into patients' records. You can also take advantage of the program to print requisitions and share results with your patients.

For more information on lab partners, more on the
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Electronic Prescription (EPCS)

Electronic prescriptions enable practitioners to connect with local and nationwide pharmacy networks and put in online prescription orders and approve refill requests.

OptiMantra is integrated with the SureScripts network to connect practitioners with 95% of the pharmacies in the United States.

If you are licensed to prescribe pharmaceuticals, you can use the platform to provide electronic prescriptions with EPCS -- Electronic Prescription Of Controlled Substances (if licensed, your access will include controlled substances).

For more information on SureScripts, more on the
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Sharing Medical Records
Practitioners at times need to refer their patients to other specialists and partners, as well as receive referrals from other practices.

OptiMantra offers several easy channels -- electronic fax and online document-sharing  -- to securely facilitate patient information transfer and access.

Platform Transfer: You can easily share patient charts and documents with practitioners outside your office by selecting the items you want to send and submitting them to others directly through the platform without the hassle of email or fax.

Secure Fax: You can also use electronic fax  to share charts, bills, and claims with third parties. For more information on fax partners, more on the

Administration & Practice Management

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Point of Sale

While a simplified patient appointment scheduling and intake process is valuable, a straight-forward check-out approach is just as important to an effective practice.

OptiMantra makes superbill creation and payment-taking as easy as possible.

Superbills: With the click of a button, you can create receipts and invoices for patients; these can be shared through the patient portal.

Online Payments: You can take credit/debit payments within the program.

Account Statements: You can send or print multiple account statements for your patients.

OptiMantra partners with Stax (formerly Fattmerchant), Stripe, and Authorize.net; more on the Integrations page.
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Inventory Management

Supplements are an integral part of many integrative wellness treatments across modalities -- and many practices prescribe supplements as well as maintain their own dispensary.

OptiMantra's dispensary module tracks inventory with on-hand items, pricing, vendors and suppliers, and other details in an easy-to-manage format.

Inventory Management: As you dispense your items, the program keeps track of your inventory.

Purchase Orders: You can create, send, and receive replenishment on POs.

Expiring Items and Low Stock Items: You can easily view items that are low on stock or expiring, so you can replenish them in time.
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Insurance Billing

Increasingly, integrative and wellness services are supported by insurance and 3rd payers; many practices want to support patients who are taking advantage of their insurance coverage to seek treatment.

OptiMantra provides a built-in insurance billing module to create and submit claims with fewer than 3 clicks, at no additional fee.

Pending Claims: You can easily view the status of your pending claims and run analytics on your past encounters to see the reimbursement levels of different services.

Auto-posting EOBs: You don't have to spend any time recording and keeping track of your checks with EOB auto-posting.

You can even coordinate with a group of billers who work with our program to simplify your billing processes further.
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Reporting & Insights

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Integrated Payments

The majority of practices' out-of-pocket payments are completed with credit and debit cards or electronic checks, either at the point of sale or using a card already on file.

OptiMantra provides an integrated payment gateway option that allows practitioners and staff to accept, process, and track patient payments for services, inventory directly in the program.

You can take credit or debit payments within the program with the simple swipe of a card, by typing in the card details, or by using a card saved on file.

OptiMantra partners with Stax (formerly Fattmerchant), Stripe, and Authorize.net; more on the Integrations page.
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Integrated e-Faxing

In many of today's practices, a large share of health data transfer is still supported through faxes -- whether using electronic/online fax or a physical fax machine.

OptiMantra's fax module gives practitioners the option of incorporating electronic faxes right into the practice management and EMR platform.

You can receive electronic faxes from third parties -- like labs, imaging centers, payers, physician offices and other third parties -- in the program, and easily assign the fax content to patient records with a couple of clicks.

You can also fax out patient records and other documents from the program, without getting up from your computer.

OptiMantra partners with Sfax; more on the Integrations page.
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Gift Cards

One of the ways to continue to engage clients and grow your business is by providing gift cards - an easy way for clients to share your services with their friends and family.

OptiMantra provides gift card functionality built into the program - so you can sell gift cards and have clients redeem them all within one program.
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Online Invoicing

Collecting payments can be a challenge but robust invoicing workflow can help you track which clients have yet to complete payment, and make it easy for you to send them direct invoices with their balances due.

OptiMantra provides online invoicing that enables you to send unpaid bills to clients via email to make it easier for you to get paid.

Client Management

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Scheduling & Appointments

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Reminders, Alerts & Tasks
No-show appointments hurt business; a combination of email and text reminders is one of the most cost-effective ways practices can keep their no-show rates low.

OptiMantra provides email and text message reminders for patient appointments and for the plethora of other clinical and administrative next steps patients need to take. Alerts and reminders are not just for patients, they can also help practice staff keep track of their to-do list.

Patient Reminders: You can customize email and text reminders to ask patients to prepare for their visit, guide them to fill out intake forms prior to their appointments online, or complete lab or diagnostic tests.

Staff Alerts: You and your staff may need to follow up with a patient regarding treatment  or respond to their phone calls or voicemails; staff tasks and alerts serve as a personalized to-do list to track all of your activities.
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Patient Portal & Messaging

A patient portal is a necessity for today's integrative practice -- it reduces patient time spent in the waiting room filling out forms, and thus delaying your schedule, and minimizes front office follow-up requests for documents and copies of plans.

OptiMantra's Patient Portal encourages patients to keep their administrative and medical information up-to-date, fill out intake forms and questionnaire prior to their visits, and access their treatment plans, invoices and other documents, at their convenience, at any time and from any place.

You and your patients can also take advantage of secure HIPAA- and PHIPA-compliant messaging that keeps patients' personal and medical information private. Patients can also use the service to directly message any members of your staff -- be it for a refill request or an administrative question.
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Relationship Management

Operating an integrative medicine clinic or a wellness business is no different than any other small-medium enterprise - it's crucial to engage clients and ensure they come back. To do that, it is necessary to keep in touch and ensure the clientele is apprised of the latest regarding services and deals.

OptiMantra supports both mass outreach and more tailored, personalized communication strategies.

Newsletters: You can create aesthetically-pleasing newsletter-style emails and send them to clients to keep them apprised of upcoming events, promotions, or research.

Birthday Emails: You can send out automated birthday emails to re-engage clients.

Integrations Page
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Marketing Conversion Tracking

Online marketing can help you get in front of prospective clients, but tracking actual conversions can be difficult. Facebook Pixel and Google Tags allow you to track website traffic coming from Google and Facebook marketing.

With OptiMantra, you can now use Pixel and Tag to determine how your marketing is converting into actual appointments booked in the online scheduler.

Integrations Page

Simple and affordable without the long-term commitment.

Plans start at $99/mo for the first practitioner. We offer discounts for students, NPs, MAs, PAs, and part-time or community clinics.
professional woman working on laptop
Integrate with systems you already use
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OptiMantra offers a full suite of clinical, billing, point of sale, digital, and cloud integrations. If you’re using a third-party service, chances are we integrate with it.