Step 1 Of 3

If you want assistance with booking your appointment, please call or text us at (704) 626-6906.
 Are you struggling with obesity or weight loss issues? Have chronic conditions that can be improved by weight-loss? Are you unsure which plan to choose? Here at Opteluxe you will have an initial evaluation consultation to discuss your weight management goals.
 This is a 1+ hour appointment where we will thoroughly go over your health history and come up with a game plan to help your achieve your weight loss goals.

We have multiple medication programs to meet your needs. 
This consultation will help you determine which plan is right for you. We also offer Lipo injections and B12 injections. WE have non-prescription based plans also available

Your consultation fee will secure your appointment. **Insurance cannot be used for these programs. Medication, supplements, and plans vary in price and will be determined at your visit. 
The Skinny Drip
This infusion is perfect for jumpstarting your weight loss journey. The Skinny Drip helps increase metabolism, boost energy, burn fat more efficiently, and decrease hunger urges.

What to expect? 
1. You will complete a short form about your medical history
2.  You will sit in the recliner chair and we will insert an IV into the vein of your arm. We will then connect your IV  to the solution. The infusion is about 30-45 minutes. 
3. The office can be cold so a blanket will be available. 
4. We encourage you to bring an electronic to stream a movie, music, or if you simply want to relax you can as well. 
5. We will be monitoring the infusion the entire time.
6. At the end of the infusion, the IV catheter will be removed and you will be "Re-charged" until your next session.

***There are times when your veins are small and dehydrated which can prevent the IV catheter from inserting properly. After two tries, if we cannot get your IV then you will be refunded all monies except $15.00  supply fee. ****
 (Vitamin B-12) is helpful in the normal functioning of the nervous system, and the formation of blood cells. The vitamin B-12 injection has been shown to provide these key benefits: boosts energy and overall metabolic rate, assists in the burning of stored body fat, detoxifies the body, increases red blood cell production, maintains a healthy liver, helps regulate sleep, mood, appetite and energy, works synergistically with other nutrients to improve health, and slows aging.

Already on a weight loss regimen? Don't need prescribed medications? Want more energy? This is for you! 
Lipo Mino or Skinny shots contain vitamins, amino acids, the enhances the body to burn fat. 


What is in a Lipo Injection?

Lipotropic elements( fat burners) :  Methionine, Inositol, Choline combined with Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12), L-Carnitine, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2)

Methionine is an essential amino acid that helps to start the breakdown of fat in the body.

Benefits of Methionine: Combat fatigue, lower cholesterol, improve lifer detoxification, enhances skin, hair, and nails, improve cardiovascular and muscular functions, useful in treatment of premature ejaculation, and chronic depression. 

Inositol is a B vitamin that has several benefits. 

Benefits of Inositol: Can help with fatty liver disease, PCOS, metabolism of fat, reduces cholesterol, promote cell, nerve, and brain health, assist in producing serotonin( a neurotransmitter that helps to control mood and appetite) .

Choline is an essential nutrient that helps detoxify  the liver,  metabolism of fats and cholesterol. 

Benefits of Choline: Help normalize cholesterol, liver function, helps with glucose and insulin management, aids in memory, and nervous system. 

Benefits of Cyanocobalamin: Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B-12) helps with  the normal functioning of the nervous system, and the formation of blood cells. The vitamin B-12 injection has been shown to provide these key benefits: boosts energy and overall metabolic rate; assists in the burning of stored body fat; detoxifies the body; increases red blood cell production; maintains a healthy liver; helps regulate sleep, mood, appetite and energy; works synergistically with other nutrients to improve health; and slows aging.

L-Carnitine: L carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid derivative used for weight loss and may have an impact on brain function. It plays a crucial role in the production of energy by transporting fatty acids into the cells to be bond for energy. Your body can produce L carnitine out of the amino acids lysine and methionine. For your body to produce it insufficient amounts you also need plenty of vitamin C. 

Thiamine (B1): thiamine helps the body generate energy from nutrients. Thymine is necessary for growth, development and function of sales.

Riboflavin (B2):  This is one of the 8 B vitamins. All B vitamins help the body to convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose)  which is used to produce energy. All B vitamins are water soluble, meaning the body does not store them. In addition to producing energy for the body, riboflavin works as an antioxidant, fighting damaging particles in the body known as free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells in DNA and may contribute to the aging process.

This is a 15-30 minute follow-up to check in on your weight loss progress.