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~Welcome to Precision Health, PLLC Appointment Booking Page~

New Patients: Choose your service  > Discovery Call

Existing Patients: Choose you service  > Follow-up Appointment > choose telehealth or in-office

Please note that payment is expected at the time of service. If you need to cancel your appointment, a cancellation fee will be charged if the appointment is canceled within 24 hours of booking. Thank you for your understanding!
Follow-up appointment for established patients only
Telehealth - Mens Health Follow-up Telehealth Visit
Discovery call to review service options
Discovery call to review service options
Initial evaluation  appointment to establish care follow-up treatment plan appointment; includes H&P; comprehensive history
Included as Initial Evaluation and Treatment Planning services 
8 week follow-up appt with 6 week lab review part of membership
6 month follow-up appt with lab review part of membership
6 month follow-up appt with lab review part of membership
Annual (12 month) follow-up appt with lab review part of membership
Annual (12 month) follow-up appt with lab review part of membership
Discovery call to review service options
Discovery call to review service options
Initial evaluation  appointment to establish care follow-up treatment plan appointment; includes H&P; comprehensive history
Included as Initial Evaluation and Treatment Planning services  - lab review follow-up and treatment plan development
12 week follow-up appt with 6 week lab review part of membership
6 month follow-up appt with lab review part of membership
Annual (12 month) follow-up appt with lab review part of membership
Review labs and consutationfrom external source
Discovery call to review service options
Follow-up appointment for psychiatric/primary care disorders
Follow-up appointment for psychiatric/primary care disorders