Escape from the world for a little while and shift your thoughts and feelings while listening to a mediation and receiving massage to sooth the body, mind & soul.
A once in a lifetime alignment that will sync you up with your higher self to get an answer or make a shift in the right direction for you.
There must be something you have not been able to figure out and you need to know what to do. This will take you to the space to get the answer or to just make a deep and lasting change in your life.
Using Quantum Targeted Healing Segments 1, 2 & 3 to take you up to a high vibration, and then drawing the sacred lines that will open you up to positive change. The closing and completion is done the day after the first session, or within a week.
This is done in a group of 3 and you don't have to be present for the event.
You will need to lie down during your session time.
You will know the exact days and times of your sessions.
There will be a discussion 15 minutes after each session to share experiences on both days.
Make sure to have what you need to resolve, or desire to create in your mind at the time of your session but remain open to what insights are best for your highest good.
Includes Custom Flower Essences Frequencies on the Last Day. ($30 Value)