Step 1 Of 3

Please choose an option below for booking.
This is the first consultation and should be book before the follow-up visit.
An initial psychiatric evaluation is a comprehensive assessment designed to understand a person's mental health and establish a baseline for treatment. Therefore, it is a priority that during our first session we engage in rapport building and gain a sense of relationship. Mental illness takes on many forms and varies in severity, for that reason, we will have a collaborative experience where you will discuss your current mental health concerns, medical history, and any relevant life factors. A detailed assessment will be conducted of the specific life adversities to help create an individualized plan that best fits your needs. 
This visit should be scheduled after the initial psychiatric evaluation is completed.
A psychiatric follow-up visit is an opportunity to review your progress since the initial evaluation or last visit, adjust treatment plans or medications-if necessary, medication refills, and address any new concerns.