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Book your FREE Consultation here with me, Kathleen Pleasants, and find out what services are right for you.
Life Design Consulting
1/2 Hour (For On-going Consulting)

Human Design Analysis - Hour Session
Human Design Analysis & Guidance Includes:
  • Finding out your Type and how that works in the World.
  • Finding the Right Relationships for You.
  • Understanding Your Correct Nutrition & Environment.
  • Finding the Right Kind of Work/Play.
Based on Date of Birth, Accurate Time of Birth and Birth Location. 
Packages Available.

Packages Available.
Advanced Massage Therapy
Transformative Hypnotherapy for Positive Change

In the realm of personal transformation, we understand that 88% of our mind resides in the subconscious—a domain where belief systems and habitual patterns take root. When these patterns cease to serve our well-being, the power to alter them lies within our grasp.
Navigating the subconscious landscape offers various avenues for positive change, each designed to propel you forward on your journey. Among these, hypnotherapy emerges as a gentle yet potent method.

While some may assert they've never experienced hypnosis, instances in daily life reveal otherwise. Think of those moments during a captivating movie that elicited laughter or tears—that, too, is a form of hypnosis. Similarly, if you've ever reached a destination without recalling the drive, you've traversed the realms of hypnosis. This natural state is one we enter and exit effortlessly throughout our daily routines, often slipping into "auto-pilot" mode as a protective mechanism in response to stress.

Despite conscious desires for change, deeply ingrained subconscious patterns persist, acting as a guiding force for survival. This inherent conflict between conscious intent and subconscious allegiance is precisely where hypnotherapy proves invaluable.

In the intricate dance of the mind, positive and negative thoughts cannot coexist simultaneously. Hypnotherapy employs refined techniques to facilitate the transformation of negative thought patterns into positive, supportive ones. It's a journey within, guided by the gentle yet powerful currents of hypnosis, where lasting change unfolds.
Exclusive to Clearly Unique, Rhythm Relaxing was channeled through Kathleen Pleasants in 2000. She has been using this technique ever since.

Rhythm Relaxing helps to bring the body back into balance, physically, emotionally and mentally.

It has been said to be similar to a deep meditation.

It's very gentle and relaxing.

The effects last for 3 days to a week and the last longer with more treatments.

Receive this energy session in the comfort of your own home with our tried and true Distance Session.
Exclusive to Clearly Unique, Rhythm Relaxing was channeled through Kathleen Pleasants in 2000. She has been using this technique ever since.

Rhythm Relaxing helps to bring the body back into balance, physically, emotionally and mentally.

It has been said to be similar to a deep meditation.

It's very gentle and relaxing.

The effects last for 3 days to a week and the last longer with more treatments.

Receive this energy session in the comfort of your own home with our tried and true Distance Session.
Your one-on-one session with Kathleen will be unique and focused on the qualities of your child's personality and needs.
We will use exact birth time and location information to cover the following:
Temperament, unique personality, sleep needs, attention needs, learning style, unique nutrition requirements, and compatibility within the family.

This invaluable information, a rare gem in the realm of parenting, offers profound insights to empower your parenting journey. It's the missing puzzle piece that many seek but seldom find in conventional sources.

You will learn what it takes to develop a deeper understanding and relationship with your child within 30 days, and for a lifetime.

Make sure to contact me with the following:
  • Your child's birth name
  • Your child's birth date
  • Your child's birth time (accurate)
  • Your child's birth location
Give yourself a half hour of relaxation and a reprieve from the world with this unique session of meditation, including massage.
Balancing the body, mind & spirit.
Escape from the world for a little while and shift your thoughts and feelings while listening to a mediation and receiving massage to sooth the body, mind & soul.
Enjoy a variety of energy work from Reiki which is warm and relaxing to the Re-connection which is cool and up-lifting.

Kathleen Pleasants has been practicing energy work since '2000' and also channeled a new energy system of her own in that year called 'Wave-Send'. She likes to mix and match energies as needed for each individual client and one of her favorite sessions to offer is Reiki & Friends, where she uses:
  • Reiki
  • Wave-Send
  • Cranio-Sacral Still Point
  • Reconnective Energy
  • Quantum Touch &
  • I.E.T. (Integrative Energy Therapy)
Wave-Send can be done in as little as 11-minutes session to clear the mind, balance all the Chakras, help with sleep and balance the emotions to a more natural & healthy state.

The Re-connection is done over a 2 day process of about 1 hour each day and can lead to reconnecting with your purpose and great insights into what you need to do or be doing. It is a great guide to get onto your right path.

Please call or email with any questions or set up your free consultation today to find out more about the Reconnection.
2 hour massage
Exclusive to Clearly Unique, Rhythm Relaxing was channeled through Kathleen Pleasants in 2000. She has been using this technique ever since.

Rhythm Relaxing helps to bring the body back into balance, physically, emotionally and mentally.
This session includes:
  • Chakra Rebalancing
  • Natural Detoxing
  • and an Expanded Consciousness
Over the past 36 years, I have developed many techniques and remedies for headaches and migraines.

In this session we will start to address the causes and many have found immediate relief.

It may take several sessions and maintenance to relieve the headaches and migraines, but you should notice relief from the first session.

I look forward to working with you.

A once in a lifetime alignment that will sync you up with your higher self to get an answer or make a shift in the right direction for you.

There must be something you have not been able to figure out and you need to know what to do. This will take you to the space to get the answer or to just make a deep and lasting change in your life.

Using WaveSend levels 1, 2 & 3 to take you up to a high vibration, and then drawing the sacred lines that will open you up to positive change. The closing and completion is done the day after the first session.

  • This is done in a group of 3 and you don't have to be present for the event.
  • You will need to lie down during your session time.
  • You will know the exact days and times of your sessions.
  • There will be a discussion 15 minutes after each session to share experiences on both days.
  • Make sure to have what you need to resolve, or desire to create in your mind at the time of your session but remain open to what insights are best for your highest good.
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