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Welcome to the Intentional Wellness Discovery Call booking page!

Recovery from Lyme disease requires a strong foundation for healing. I help motivated individuals like you, lead active, fulfilling lifestyles while healing from Lyme disease and its co-infections.
Book a complimentary Discovery Call and learn how I can help you live well, intentionally.

I can't wait to speak with you!

Cheryl Cuozzo, MSN, APRN, ANP-C, FNP-C, FAIHM
LIVE WELL, INTENTIONALLY. Let's have a chat to get to know each other! Book a complimentary Discovery Call to discuss Intentional Wellness' exclusive, private 1:1 consulting program, and how Cheryl's approach may suit your needs.

Cheryl will attempt to reach you by phone once, at the time you schedule, at the primary phone number you list when booking. Please note that the call may come from a 'private' or 'unknown' number.

The purpose of this session is not for diagnosis or to receive specific treatment recommendations.
For prospective clients. One Discovery Call per person may be booked within 12 months.