Step 1 Of 3

Thank you for booking with Pure Balance! We're looking forward to meeting with you. 

Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment. If you would like to complete your patient forms in the office, please arrive 20 minutes before your appointment time. 

Thank you, 
Ashley Lowden, CRNP
If you are not sure which IV Hydration is right for you, book this option and we will contact you to discuss your options. 
Are you trying to recover from an illness? This restorative infusion contains high dose Vitamin C and B Vitamins, extra zinc to boost your immunity. Get back on track from sickness with this drip!

Ingredients: B-complex, Vitamin C, Zinc, B12
Relax the mind and body due to stress or get relief from a headache. 

Ingredients:  Magnesium Chloride, B-complex, Vitamin C, B12, Toradol (pain), Zofran (nausea), Dexamethasone (pain/inflammation)
This IV drip helps with overall hydration, boost energy, and aids in immune support
Ingredients: B-Complex, Vitamin C, B12
Enhance athletic performance, decrease recovery time, improve joints & muscles. 

Ingredients: B-Complex, Vitamin C, B12, Amino Acids
Add on: Glutathione for extra detox ($40)
This drip can be used to help recover after a long week, post vacation, stomach bug and also prevention/reduction/elimination of that dreaded hangover (can be used pre or post drinking). 

Ingredients: B-complex, Vitamin C, B12
Addon Options: Toradol (pain), Zofran (Nausea), Famotidine (Acid Reflux) ($20 each)
Glutathione (Liver Detox) if needed ($40)