Step 1 Of 3

Same Day appointments, please call the office.
If you do not see any availability that works for you or you would like to get on our waitlist, 
please call the office (651) 300-2549 and leave a voicemail if your call is not answered.
Appointment Times are Central Standard Time Zone
Appointment Policy
To serve all our patients, we ask for at least 24 hours' notice for any changes to your appointment.
New Patient Functional Medicine Exams: A $330 fee applies for late cancellations or missed appointments.
New Patient Chiropractic Exams: A $175 fee applies for late cancellations or missed appointments.
Thank you for your understanding!

Curious if our clinic is right for you or do not know what Exam to book? Book a complimentary discovery call to explore how we can meet your healthcare needs and goals. We accept all patients, with or without insurance, and provide an Itemized Superbill for reimbursement. 

The doctor will call you at your scheduled time via the number provided at booking. You'll receive an email with a form to complete before the call. 
We look forward to speaking with you.
During your visit, we'll discuss your care goals, review your history, and questionnaire results to create a customized treatment plan. Our approach addresses the root cause of your issue, not just covering up your symptoms. We use a variety of interventions including lifestyle changes, supplements and other therapies for overall healing.

Please submit paperwork 3 business days before your appointment. An automated email will provide the necessary forms. Appointment times are confirmed by the doctor. If your appointment needs to be rescheduled, the doctor will contact you. 

We accept all patients, with or without insurance. We provide an Itemized Superbill for reimbursement and offer exceptional care without insurance network restrictions
During your initial visit, we'll discuss your care goals and conduct a thorough exam to create a personalized treatment plan. We assess your whole body to ensure comprehensive care, improving biomechanics and mobility for lasting relief and injury prevention.

You'll receive an email with paperwork to complete before your visit. Appointment times are confirmed by the doctor. If your appointment needs to be rescheduled, the doctor will contact you. 

Adjustments and therapies are not included in the exam fee. If deemed appropriate by your provider, same-day adjustments are $55. We accept all patients, with or without insurance. We provide an Itemized Superbill for reimbursement and offer exceptional care without insurance network restrictions