Step 1 Of 3

Please note I am currently accepting patients located in Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Florida only.

If you need to reschedule an existing appointment, please email [email protected]. Thank you!
This virtual consult is used to answer questions about how your specific case would be approached or about functional medicine in general.
If we are a good fit to work together, you are welcome to move forward with the Elemental Assessment. If we aren't a good fit, I will follow up with a personalized email that will guide you in the right direction with additional resources to consider in your health journey.
It’s a win-win!
The Elemental Assessment is built to give you a peek into the functional medicine experience, complete with intake, lab review and comprehensive plan developed just for you. Expect the following:
  • Functional Health Evaluation
  • Lab review of Advanced Biomarker Testing: in-depth blood panel measuring inflammation, nutrient status, thyroid function, metabolic health, hormone balance and more (labs are billed through insurance or can be purchased cash pay at an affordable rate)
  • Extended Virtual Appointment with Dr. Ashley Shrader, IFMCP, DNP
  • Personalized comprehensive health plan
  • We decide together on the structure of future visits, if necessary.
  • Payment options including HSA/FSA; super-bill can be provided to submit for possible insurance reimbursement
  • Budget 60-90 minutes for this appointment.
Expect a thorough follow-up on how your symptoms are changing and evolving. At these visits, we can address and review your diagnostic testing. We can review up to two lab orders per visit or spend extra time evaluating your symptoms and developing your plan. 
Note this visit is for non-members. 

Budget 45 minutes for this appointment. 
Follow-Up Visit for Empower Members ONLY. 

This follow-up visit is only available to members who have signed up for the $75 monthly membership.
To set up this membership option, please email [email protected].

Expect a thorough follow-up on how your symptoms are changing and evolving. At these visits, we can address and review your diagnostic testing. We can review up to two lab orders per visit or spend extra time evaluating your symptoms and developing your plan. 
Budget 45 minutes for this appointment.