Thank you for booking with Angelica Jackson for all your anti-aging and concierge needs.
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Are you frustrated with being told you just need to exercise and diet to feel better. Hormone replacement can help with so many of the symptoms we suffer with on a daily basis. Some symptoms include: brain fog, loss of motivation, abdominal weight gain, depression, anxiety, low libido, not sleeping well throughout the night, not feeling rested after a full night sleep and irritability to name a few.
Take the preventative route and stay on top of your health so you never need to be on medications to fix a disease. People are now being more proactive about their health and looking and living longer with regenerative medicine.
Easy access to medications for acne, wrinkle repair, hair loss, cold sore break outs and many other concerned when you can't get in to your Dermatologist or PCP quick enough
Easy Telehealth appt when you already have labs or have been diagnosed with a thyroid issue and need a refill or just want a second opinion on your thyroid lab results. Some large conventional medicine practices have to stay within their guideline for treating your thyroid. Angelica likes to treat for symptom relief and not treat patients like a lab slip. She will go over the optimal ranges used in Function Medicine to help you feel like yourself again.
Take control of your health with our comprehensive Wellness Optimization Appointment. This visit includes a personalized approach to hormone balance, vitality, and overall wellbeing.
What's Included:
Comprehensive Lab Testing Get a detailed analysis of your blood levels, hormones, and vitamins levels to identify imbalances. Go to your local lab and use your insurance to pay for the blood panel.
Hormones Replacement Therapy Personalized treatment plans for your needs to restore optimal hormone levels and enhance energy, lean muscle, mood and performance. Medications are delivered to your door for convenience.
Peptide Therapy Cutting edge peptides designed to support muscle recovery, fat loss, inflammation, cardiac support, collagen production, skin tightening, lean muscle growth, and anti-aging.
Vitamin Therapy Prescription vitamin nutrient support to boost metabolism, fat burning, energy, detoxify, and overall wellness.
Feel like yourself again-stronger, healthier and more energized.