Want to LOSE WEIGHT? Want more ENERGY? Better SLEEP? Improvement in MENTAL CLARITY? Looking to boost your METABOLISM? Want to move closer to your optimal HEALTH?
Our body has the ability to eliminate toxic chemicals that we're exposed to on a daily basis if we provide it with the right nutrition/cofactors. The detox program we've designed is a great way to kickstart the process of cleansing out those chemicals that impact the functioning of our bodies (such as BPA, Phthalates, heavy metals, etc.) through food, the air, water, and health and beauty products.
Here's what patients are saying: "Overall I feel 75% better, some days even 100%!" “I have so much more energy!” "I want to do this a few times a year!"
AND...the program is open to the public. Join us for an online webinar to learn more about our Detox program.
Registration is $10 per person. WebEx invites will be sent out the morning of April 1st.